Who We Are

About the Arizona Conference of Police and Sheriffs

Representing the hard working officers of Arizona

The public safety professionals of Arizona put their lives on the line every day to keep our residents safe, and the Arizona Conference of Police and Sheriffs makes sure that these heroes are protected and supported. AZCOPS believes that all Arizona public safety employees — sworn or civilian — should be provided with fair compensation and benefits, consistent with their professional status and the important public safety service they provide to their communities, and we put in the work to make that happen.

AZCOPS works aggressively toward making this goal a reality through dialogue with political leaders at the local, state, and national level. We relentlessly pursue collective bargaining rights for Arizona public safety employees so they can have a seat at the table.

We believe our public safety professionals should accumulate the greatest possible political power in order to play on a level playing field when dealing with their employers, and AZCOPS is there to assist our member associations in the political process. Politics is the name of the game in Arizona, and that’s how public safety employees will improve their benefits and working conditions so they can provide the best possible service to Arizona’s families.

Public safety employees also need to be represented when dealing with employers and are entitled to fairness and due process when dealing with their employers on disciplinary, job-related, and labor issues. AZCOPS is there for our emergency responders, providing first-class, experienced attorneys to assist in these matters.

Our public safety professionals risk it all to keep our families safe, and AZCOPS is there to make sure they’re protected and supported.

Our Mission

Dedication and Commitment

AZCOPS strives to further the interests of public safety professionals through aggressive representation in the legal and political arenas.

We work to obtain the best possible compensation and benefits for our brave law enforcement officers through positive interaction with local and state officials. We pursue positive change and encourage open communication between employers and our members. And above all, we promote the positive influence organized public safety professionals bring to our communities in Arizona, and all across the country.