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We're Suing Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos

AZCOPS is suing the Sheriff of Pima County, Chris Nanos. AZCOPS has always been dedicated to protecting our member's 1st Amendment rights (as well as all the other rights). We've even argued in front of the 9th Circuit for those rights.

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The D.O.J. Released the Phoenix Report

The U.S. Department of Justice just released their report into the Phoenix Police Department. The only problem? The report is inaccurate. Like so many cities before Phoenix, the DOJ is hoping to bully city leaders into cooperation, without releasing proof of the allegations made.

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Off duty jobs have become popular in the law enforcement community. Cops, sheriff's deputies, and troopers everywhere have taken advantage of the request for certified LEOs by private organizations. This is a benefit to police officers and can be a great thing in their lives. However, with these new situations, new questions and scenarios have arose. We did a video about having lights in a personal vehicle for off duty jobs. This week, we want to address when an officer may want to check on, and off, from an off duty job, and why. Check it out!

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